Detuned Sheets

Ukulele | Piano | Other

Free sheet music! You can call me Detuned Thing - I am a casual musician in my mid-20's who's been playing piano for 20 years, ukulele for 5 years, and other random instruments here and there. I love arranging music, especially soundtrack music. I'm not much of a performer, but I want to share my creations with the world.


I have the site formatting mostly done, and a few of the songs are uploaded, but some links are still broken for now. - Nov 9 2022

I do not own the rights to any of these songs, and I am not using them for any commercial purpose.

You are welcome to share, perform or create derivations of my arrangements (I'd love if you sent me any recordings!) but please credit me as an arranger, and please respect the IP owners' copyright. Don't use my arrangements for any commercial purpose without getting permission from the owner of the song and myself.

You can email me at